The Gymnast Nutritionist® Podcast

Episode 127: Origin Story- TGN® Team Ryann Mayer MPS, RDN, LDN

Season 1 Episode 127

I'm so excited to introduce you all to the next dietitian on team TGN®, Ryann Mayer. She is another one of our pediatric/adolescent sports dietitians who supports our gymnasts + parents inside The Balanced Gymnast® Program. And she's making life a whole lot easier for parents of gymnasts who are picky eaters!

Ryann is a former level 10 gymnast herself and knows the sport inside and out. It's this first hand knowledge, combined with her experience and training as a pediatric and sports dietitian that makes our clients fall in love with her. 

Her expertise in all things GI and experience with selective eaters creates a safe space for our gymnasts and parents. With gymnasts who are picky eaters, she uses the approach of meeting the families where they're at; working together to make the necessary changes to help them reach their big goals and dreams. Because when you're fueled, you're more willing to try new foods!

 In this episode you'll hear us touch on case studies involving:  

  • Why it's so important to build new habits from the start rather than try and fix old habits
  • Navigating celiac disease and other GI issues in young athletes
  • Addressing selective, aka picky eating in gymnast with creative and effective solutions

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