The Gymnast Nutritionist® Podcast

Episode 138: Gymnast Labs, Endurance, and Iron Deficiency/Anemia

Christina Anderson MS, RDN, CSSD, CSP Season 1 Episode 138

It's a significant topic in sports nutrition, particularly for endurance athletes, so today's podcast episode is all about understanding iron deficiency in gymnasts. 

In the sports nutrition world we’re super keen on screening for iron deficiency and/or iron deficiency anemia, because we know this can have major detrimental impacts on performance in all athletes.  Most coaches, parents and athletes have an understanding of why iron is important in regards to endurance, stamina, power etc. But.... what the majority are missing is that its not as simple as "is she anemic or not"

I've spent the last 5 years, working exclusively with gymnasts, and as a team we've learned just how complex the iron piece is. And what became increasing clear is that sometimes when supplementing iron isn't effective, those gymnast most likely had more of an iron recycling/mobilization problem. But what does that mean?

Listen in to hear more about: 

  • Different types of iron issues; the spectrum of anemia
  •  The two distinct types of gymnast "iron deficiency" we see and why it takes different approaches when it comes to "fixing" it 
  • The top six things we've learned about iron, labs, endurance and what it means for your gymnast 

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